SHARK CARTILAGE   800 mg  2 a day ?

Reported to stop growth and to kill tumors by inhibiting the growth of new blood vessels (anti-angiogenesis).  New blood vessels are required to provide food for the tumor and to remove
waste products. (14)  It might be that the waste products cause the tumors to self-destruct.  Also reported to reduce pain in some forms of arthritis.

For personal use only.  Not for sale or hire.  Permission to make copies by you for you and your friends is hereby granted.  If you find this site to be of value a donation of any amount would be greatly appreciated.

You are advised to consult a knowledgeable physician before using any of the nutrients listed herein.  See note 10 for information on obtaining a list of this rare breed of medical doctors.



Version  6.02
(c) Copyright 1998, 2001, 2002, 2003 by  George M Lucich
P.O. Box 424, Glenns Ferry, ID 83623

SHARK CARTILAGE   800 mg  2 a day ?

Reported to stop growth and to kill tumors by inhibiting the growth of new blood vessels (anti-angiogenesis).  New blood vessels are required to provide food for the tumor and to remove
waste products. (14)  It might be that the waste products cause the tumors to self-destruct.  Also reported to reduce pain in some forms of arthritis.

For personal use only.  Not for sale or hire.  Permission to make copies by you for you and your friends is hereby granted.  If you find this site to be of value a donation of any amount would be greatly appreciated.

You are advised to consult a knowledgeable physician before using any of the nutrients listed herein.  See note 10 for information on obtaining a list of this rare breed of medical doctors.